Tuesday, November 29, 2011

tea & shuffleboard

Took a little (big) break for Thanksgiving, but I'm baaaaack. In honor of my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary, the whole fam got together and acted like old people. We didn't really plan it that way, but that's how it unfolded. Shuffleboard. Tea time. More shuffleboard. Knitting.  Tea again. And yet still more shuffleboard. 
Not sure if you've ever played shuffleboard, but it is a blast. FOR REAL. So much fun, that I'm trying to figure out who I can talk into getting a shuffleboard court in their backyard so I can play more often. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

i heart llamas

Winter can't be so bad if you get to wear a sweater like this, right? 
I dare anyone to frown while wearing that sweater. You just can't. 

Speaking of chilly weather, it was 27 (degrees Fahrenheit) this morning when I took Amos out. I'm walking and thinking, 'This isn't so bad. Sure the air is crisp, but the sun is out...' and before I could finish my thought, the wind blew. OH. MY. I have a feeling the wind will become my nemesis before too long. 

Monday, November 14, 2011


Ta-dah! Here is my first completed knitting project, modeled by Amos. I finished this over the weekend and am already in the process of knitting project #2, which is a hat. It's proving to be a little more complex than this scarf.

Definitely had an 'oh-my-I've-officially-turned-into-an-old-woman' moment when I found myself sitting on the couch knitting while watching Antiques Roadshow. Guess I need to start doing some knit graffiti to get my street cred back. Ya know, because I totally had street cred before this. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

weekend time!

Just a quick look at what I got to drink yesterday as the fiance and I worked on some wedding and vacation details:
CHIDER! A delicious blend of chai and...you guessed it...cider. Mmm. It warms the soul. Caffe Streets, you know what you're doing. Oh! And let's not forget that Chicago saw its first flurries of the season yesterday! Maybe nothing exciting for most Chicagoans, but this girl was pretty stoked.

Now it's pizza and movie time! See you kiddos next week. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

let's start from the very beginning...

This blog was born on a 13" macbook, sometime in the afternoon/evening hours of early November. I realize I'm late to the blogging scene by serious (and not so serious) blogger standards, but I tend to wait new trends out for a while to make sure they have staying power before I jump in. I'll admit, I knew blogs had staying power long before this blog came to fruition, but I never felt as though sharing any part of my life with the vast internet was something I would ever have any interest in doing. Nor did I think anyone would care to read my ramblings - but let's be honest, this is still how I feel. 

Truth be told, I'm hoping this blog will mentally/physically/spiritually help me survive my first winter in Chicago, or rather, my first winter - PERIOD. I was born and raised in the South. The deep South. I've driven in the snow once. And it was just flurries. Assuming I survive the first Chicago snow and the subsequent 'Snowmageddons' that are sure to follow, my goal is to catalog my daydreams and bits of inspiration here. Who knows? Maybe it'll help me get from one frigid day to the next. Time will tell.  

So without further ado, let's get this party started.