Monday, April 23, 2012

just cuz

A baby elephant on the beach can make even a Monday a little better, right?

Friday, April 13, 2012

happy weekend!

Did I mention spring arrived in Chicago? Well, it totally did. Everything is a-blooming and green again. Temps still dip into the 30s, but if I had any doubts about spring being here, they were washed away today when the largest centipede I've ever encountered found himself in my apartment. I literally yelled when I walked in the room and saw him and continued to make loud noises until I mustered up the courage to kill him. I still shudder at the thought. Have you ever had to psyche yourself up to kill a bug? That's what I had to do. I even had to turn the fan on because I started sweating. Sure, I may have not seen a single roach since I've moved up here, but what roaches are to the south, centipedes are to Chicago. Except, instead of 6 legs, we're talking like, 100 (thank goodness they can't fly). Bleeghidshigsa;fjidasnvd; Enough to give you the heebie jeebies, for sure.

Marc is off to his bachelor party this weekend in Texas, so I've got a lovely girls weekend ahead, complete with some top secret wedding projects + The Hunger Games. I'm pretty pumped.

Happy Spring, friends. May your weekend be restful and centipede free. 

photo by Bonnie Tsang

Friday, April 6, 2012

happy easter

I wanted to post something on Monday about how I had finally mailed out invitations, but I couldn't quite find the right picture for the post expressing how elated I felt. Naturally, I ended up not posting anything and just playing around on the internet like it was the last day of its existence while sippin' on a caramel frappe I treated myself to for my accomplishment.

Since the big mail-out, I have been even more excited to hear people's reactions to the invites. Not that I am seeking their praise, and not to say that positive comments don't make me feel warm and fuzzy inside, because of course they do. I've just been working really hard since Jan/Feb to create the whole invitation 'suite' (ugh, does that term make anyone else want to vomit? It sounds so hoity, but I've yet to come up with another one to use in its place), and as I was assembling them, it felt very much like wrapping up a little paper present that I put tons of time and love and care into for all our friends and family. And you always want people to like the gifts you give them, right? So far, so good.

I'm looking forward to sharing some photos of the invites here on the ole bloggy-blog soon. And I'm also pumped to start blogging on a more regular basis again.

I hope all you kids out there have a lovely Easter weekend!

flowers via lyla & blu